On customer interviews done right

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On customer interviews done right

Welcome to today’s issue of Conversion Alchemy Journal. If you received this from a friend and enjoy it, subscribe here.

I'm keeping this issue short and sweet as I'm currently camping in the stunning mountains between Abruzzo and Le Marche in Italy. But I wanted to share a quick thought on customer interviews that might help you in your next project.

Recently, a client shared some feedback from a potential interviewee, which was mostly about how they use the product.

While useful, this reminded me of something important:

When conducting customer interviews for messaging and copywriting projects, we need to go beyond just understanding product usage. We need to enter our prospects' heads.

So here's what to focus on in your next interview instead:

1. Decision-making process: How did they choose your product? What alternatives did they consider?

2. Past struggles: What problems were they facing before finding your solution?

3. Motivations: What drove them to seek out a solution in the first place?

4. Desired outcomes: What are they ultimately trying to achieve?

By exploring these areas, you'll uncover the emotional and practical drivers behind your customers' choices. This is the gold you need to write copy that resonates.

Otherwise you’d be left with words that just describe what you do and how = all about YOU, none about THEM.

Keep it in mind.

P.S. The view from my tent is spectacular. Wishing you all some time to disconnect and recharge soon!

📚 Copywriting nuggets in the wild

Content of the week: The power of words

I just read the (very short) book "The four agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. It's a very simple prescription for living a better life, and great reminder that often the basics are much more effective than the fancy tactics.

I'd highly recommend you read at least one of the chapters titled "Be impeccable with your word". It will be a huge reminder of the immense power we have as copywriters.

Language is the code for understanding and communication between humans. Every letter, every word in each language is an agreement. ...Once we understand the code, our attention is hooked and the energy is transferred from one person to another.
The human mind is like a fertile ground where seeds are continually being planted. The seeds are opinions, ideas, and concepts. You plant a seed, a thought, and it grows. The word is like a seed, and the human mind is so fertile! The only problem is that too often it is fertile for the seeds of fear. Every human mind is fertile, but only for those kinds of seeds it is prepared for.


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✅ Don't miss it

Episode 22 of The Message-Market Fit podcast is out!

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I had a great chat with Carolyn Beaudoin, co-founder and conversion copywriter at Boxcar Agency. Here's what you'll learn:

  • How Carolyn transitioned from classical music to copywriting
  • How to balance data-driven insights with creative intuition in copywriting
  • How to create hybrid one-reader messaging for multiple audiences
  • How to leverage Jobs to Be Done research for effective copywriting
  • How to conduct customer interviews that yield valuable insights
  • How to implement testing methodologies for B2B messaging
  • How to tailor your copy to different buyer modalities and decision-maker styles
  • How to overcome common messaging challenges in client work
  • How to effectively use AI in copywriting while recognizing its limitations
  • And way way more.

Check it out here, wherever you listen to podcasts or on Youtube. And if you find it valuable, would you consider subscribing and leaving a rating? 🙏

🤔 Thought of the week

"The choices you make are *always* going to be subjective, a matter of opinion. What criticism offers you, then, is an invitation to have your perspective challenged—or at least to grow by truly considering it."

Will Guidara, Unreasonable Hospitality

Get outside of yourself and your ego focused view by engaging with other realities. Understand how differently people see the world, and you’ll know how useless it is to only focus on what you see.

Have a great weekend!

Chris Silvestri

Founder, Conversion Alchemy

🙌🏻 Let’s be friends (unless you’re a stalker)

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Hi, I'm Chris, The Conversion Alchemist

I'm the founder and chief conversion copywriter at Conversion Alchemy. We help 7 and 8 figure SaaS and Ecommerce businesses convert more website visitors into happy customers. Conversion Alchemy Journal is the collection of my thoughts, ideas, and ramblings on anything copy, UX, conversion rate optimization, psychology, decision-making, human behavior, and -often times - just bizarre, geeky stuff. Grab a cup of coffee and join me. Once a week, every Friday.

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