So, stop optimizing for conversion. Start optimizing for connection.

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Data tells a story, but your customers are the story.

Welcome to today’s issue of Conversion Alchemy Journal. If you received this from a friend and enjoy it, subscribe here.

I’m in the mood for a rant today. I’ve been speaking with top SaaS leaders and experts over 20+ episodes of The Message-market Fit podcast and a few patterns emerged.

I’m a nerd for patterns. Almost autistic.

Anyway, here’s the pattern I’m seeing:

We're obsessed with data, but starving for connection.

We all want to build SaaS products that matter, products that people love and rave about. We want to see our companies grow, not just incrementally, but exponentially.

And so we turn to data. We track metrics, analyze funnels, run A/B tests, and obsess over conversion rates. We follow playbooks, implement "growth hacks," and pour over reports, searching for that magic formula that will unlock explosive growth.

But here’s the problem: We're drowning in data, yet starving for real, authentic connection. We're so focused on optimizing for conversions, we've forgotten how to connect with our customers as humans.

Our websites are filled with jargon and buzzwords. Our onboarding emails are impersonal and robotic. Our marketing campaigns feel like they’re shouting into the void, failing to resonate with the people we're trying to reach.

We're spending thousands, even millions, on marketing that doesn't move the needle. We're watching our customers churn, frustrated and unfulfilled. We're losing to competitors who seem to “get it” in a way we don’t.

Is this really the best we can do? Is this the future of SaaS – a soulless race to the bottom, driven by algorithms and automation?

No. We can do better. We can build SaaS companies that not only succeed, but also resonate. Companies that build deep, lasting relationships with their customers, fueled by empathy, understanding, and a shared sense of purpose.

But we need to shift the way we think about it: We need to stop treating our customers like data points and start seeing them as the complex, emotional human beings they are.

We need to invest in deep customer understanding, crafting messaging and experiences that tap into their motivations, anxieties, and aspirations. We need to operationalize customer insights, making them visible and actionable for everyone in the company, not just a select few.

We need to remember that behind every click, every conversion, every dollar spent, there's a human being with a story.

So, stop optimizing for conversion. Start optimizing for connection.

How? That’s the topic of next week’s issue. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, how are you thinking about this? Do you see the same?

📚 Copywriting nuggets in the wild

Content of the week: What's your "practice" to create original work?

This piece by Jay Acunzo goes deep into his process for consistently come up with, validate and iterate on creative ideas. I particularly loved how he framed his own "practice", something you are supposed to do on a daily basis, with no attachment to the outcome but that in the end it's guaranteed to produce good ideas:

He divides it into 2 areas, "collecting stories" (which he does through his podcast) and "aerating ideas" (through his writing).

Your practice is a personal project that recurs. It's for you and you alone, and simply showing up time and time again is the lone objective.

We should approach our copywriting work with the same commitment. And always remember that creativity is both input and output. Do you have a practice in place?

Swipe file: Give words to the pain

I just joined The Creator Kitchen, a community and learning resource for experts and creators. I think their sales page is phenomenal, which is one of the reasons I decided to join.

If they're able to crystallize their unique angle and value prop in such a way that's like giving a voice to one of my most pressing pains, then I'm all ears. Because it's what I want to do with my content, including this newsletter and the podcast.

A true example of value proposition done well:

The Creator Kitchen is a membership helping experts and creators craft more valuable, original IP. Grow your business through the power of your ideas, not the volume of your marketing.
  1. It identifies who their ICPs are (creators and experts).
  2. It conveys what the desired outcome is (craft more valuable, original IP).
  3. And it presents a unique, hot take (power of ideas > volume of content)

Check it out, and if you want, join us (no affiliate).


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Junior copywriter wanted!

I'm reaching out to my network first (that includes you!) as I’m on the lookout for a talented Junior Conversion Copywriter to join me on a project basis. If you:

  • Have 1-2 years of copywriting experience
  • Are passionate about B2B SaaS
  • Love diving into research and data
  • Are eager to learn and grow your skills

...then I'd love to connect with you!

This is a great opportunity for someone to work on exciting projects and learn from me.

Here’s the full job description.

🤔 Thought of the week

“The truth of one’s real self can be discovered through the pathway of everyday life"

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force

Your life, even the most ordinary moments, is your hero’s journey. Make it daring, make it epic. That’s how your truly understand what your made of and who you can become.

Have a great weekend!

Chris Silvestri

Founder, Conversion Alchemy

🙌🏻 Let’s be friends (unless you’re a stalker)

23 Greyfriars, Eastgate Street, Winchester, Hampshire so238ea
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Hi, I'm Chris, The Conversion Alchemist

I'm the founder and chief conversion copywriter at Conversion Alchemy. We help 7 and 8 figure SaaS and Ecommerce businesses convert more website visitors into happy customers. Conversion Alchemy Journal is the collection of my thoughts, ideas, and ramblings on anything copy, UX, conversion rate optimization, psychology, decision-making, human behavior, and -often times - just bizarre, geeky stuff. Grab a cup of coffee and join me. Once a week, every Friday.

Read more from Hi, I'm Chris, The Conversion Alchemist

Read Online How to tell the right stories Welcome to today’s issue of Conversion Alchemy Journal. If you received this from a friend and enjoy it, subscribe here. I've started looking for a junior copywriter to help me out, and as I was reading some of the applications, one thing stood out. When I ask them what they find challenging about writing copy for B2B SaaS, a lot of them said something like, "The challenge of making complex products sound simple." This is something a lot of people get...

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Read Online How to optimize for connection (and increase conversion) Welcome to today’s issue of Conversion Alchemy Journal. If you received this from a friend and enjoy it, subscribe here. Behind every click, every conversion, every dollar spent, there's a human being with a story. And in order to understand their story, we need to stop optimizing for conversion and start optimizing for connection. How do we do that? That’s what conversion alchemy is all about. Like turning base metals into...