Got scammed in Istanbul. Learned 7 killer marketing tricks. You're welcome.

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Got scammed in Istanbul. Learned 7 killer marketing tricks. You're welcome.

Welcome to today’s issue of Conversion Alchemy Journal. If you received this from a friend and enjoy it, subscribe here.

I just got back from a week in Istanbul. It was amazing.

I know I know, I didn't send an email last week, but as I was busy exploring, i was also keeping an eye out for a good story. So here it goes...

Picture this: I'm strolling through the city, taking in the sights, smells, and sounds. Turkish coffee in the air, seagulls screaming bloody murder over the Bosphorus.


A brush hits the ground. I look up, and there's this dude, apparently a shoe shiner, grinning at me. Little did I know, I was about to get a PhD in persuasion – Istanbul style.

The Setup

I bend down, grab the brush, and suddenly this guy's acting like I just saved his firstborn. "Let me thank you properly," he says, eyeing my dusty Vans. Before I can say "Nah, bro," he's already going to town on my shoes.

Lesson 1: Create a hook Wanna grab attention in this noisy world? Sometimes, you gotta "accidentally" drop your brush.

The Shine

I gotta hand it to him – guy had skills. Each stroke brought my tired loafers back from the dead. I'm standing there, weirdly hypnotized, like "I guess this is happening now."

Lesson 2: Build commitment Once you've got 'em on the hook, how do you reel 'em in? Make them feel invested in the process.

The Ask

Just as I'm admiring my shoes' new mirror finish, reality hits. "For you, special price," he winks. I pull the classic "no cash" move (it was true!), but he's ready – points to an ATM conveniently placed like, right there.

Lesson 3: Anticipate objections In marketing, the sale often hangs on how you handle the "yeah, but..."

The Takeaways

Walking away (with significantly lighter pockets), it hit me. This wasn't just a scam – it was a freakin' masterclass in marketing:

  1. Leverage reciprocity: Give first, and watch them feel obligated to return the favor.
  2. Use social proof: Other "customers" around? Instant credibility boost.
  3. Create urgency: "Special price, just for you!" is the OG limited-time offer.
  4. Make conversion easy: The closer the "Buy now" button (or ATM), the better.

The Bottom Line

Look, I'm not saying go scam people. But these principles? Pure gold when used for good, not evil. They can turn your marketing from "Ugh, another ad" to "Shut up and take my money!"

Next time you're working on a campaign, ask yourself:

  • Are you just selling, or are you crafting an experience?
  • Are you interrupting, or are you engaging?
  • Are you demanding, or are you guiding?

The streets of Istanbul schooled me hard: the best marketing doesn't feel like marketing. It feels like a story unfolding – one where your customer's the hero, and your product's the magical sword they didn't know they needed.

Now get out there and shine some shoes... err, I mean, polish up that marketing!

P.S. Ever had a "marketing lesson in disguise" moment? Hit reply and spill the beans. I'm all ears!

📚 3 things to get better at copywriting

Content of the week:

I loved this take on how to use AI to think better instead of having it replace our thinking. Especially the point on using LLMs to ask us questions rather than having them write for us.

Give ChatGPT an outline and let it write for you. Let’s turn the tables and have ChatGPT prompt us. Tell AI to ask you questions about what you’re writing. Push yourself to express in clear terms what you really want to say. Keep asking until your idea is clear to you.

Swipe file: Simple and classic works

I liked this poster at a train station. It reminded me that when your message and positioning are clear, you can "get away" with classic formulas that still work. But you have to do the hard work of getting clear on where you stand and what your story is first.


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✅ Don't miss it

Episode 19 of The Message-Market Fit podcast is out!

I've put publishing the podcast on hold for a couple of weeks as I crank out copy for a few clients, but the last episode is 🔥 Especially if you're in enterprise growth marketing. Check it out.

video preview

I had an great chat with Michele Tropeano, head of growth and marketing at YunoJuno. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to successfully shift from B2C to B2B marketing
  • How to foster effective collaboration between sales and marketing teams
  • How you can develop strong positioning and messaging strategies
  • How to overcome challenges in enterprise marketing
  • How you can build and hire for high-performing marketing teams
  • How to get ready for future trends in B2B SaaS marketing

And way way more.

Check it out here, wherever you listen to podcasts or on Youtube. And if you find it valuable, would you consider subscribing and leaving a rating? 🙏

🤔 Thought of the week

"For the player, knowing when to hold that ball or pass it or shoot it required stripping away the crowd noise or the opponent’s hand in his face and making the right call almost instinctively. Behind that instinct were the days and weeks of practice in building up a “muscle memory” of what to do next—and what not to do."
Bob Knight, The Power of Negative Thinking

Preparation is everything. The work is never finished, so you might as well find work your future self will find worth the effort.

Have a great weekend!

Chris Silvestri

Founder, Conversion Alchemy

🙌🏻 Let’s be friends (unless you’re a stalker)

23 Greyfriars, Eastgate Street, Winchester, Hampshire so238ea
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Hi, I'm Chris, The Conversion Alchemist

I'm the founder and chief conversion copywriter at Conversion Alchemy. We help 7 and 8 figure SaaS and Ecommerce businesses convert more website visitors into happy customers. Conversion Alchemy Journal is the collection of my thoughts, ideas, and ramblings on anything copy, UX, conversion rate optimization, psychology, decision-making, human behavior, and -often times - just bizarre, geeky stuff. Grab a cup of coffee and join me. Once a week, every Friday.

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